Crosstraining München CrossFit

Members of Crosstraining München are doing some pushups
Various equipment in the Crosstraining München box
Schedule and pricing of Crosstraining München
What to expect in Crosstraining München section bar
Experienced coaches of Crosstraining München
Equipment of Crosstraining München
Small groups training in Crosstraining München
Did you know that 3 times per week of intensive workout can guarantee results? Only 1 hour training.
Did you know that 3 times per week of intensive workout can guarantee results? Only 1 hour training.
Ripped body
The power of Crosstraining München community section bar
Invitation to join Crosstraining München
Members of Crosstraining München
Training place of Crosstraining München section bar
Coaches of Crosstraining München section bar
Coach of Crosstraining München Rolf saying - For me giving up is way harder than trying.
Meet the coaches of Crosstraining München
Coach of Crosstraining München Marcel saying - Don't use machines. Become one.
Coach of Crosstraining München Marcel saying -Don't look back. You are not going that way.
Coach of Crosstraining München Marcel saying - If you are struggling, that means you're progressing.
Coach of Crosstraining München Marcel saying - Motivate the mind. The body will follow.
Schedule & Pricing of Crosstraining München section bar

Trainingseinheiten pro Woche




24H access
All classes for free

Monatsbeitrag (12 Monate Vertrag)

85/ 75*

100/ 90*

150/ 135*

250/ 200*

Monatsbeitrag (1 Monat Vertrag)

110/ 100*

130/ 120*

170/ 150*


10er Karte (3 Monate gültig)

150/ 140*

*Preis für

Schüller/Studenten/Aufzubildende (Student/Trainee) Zivil/Wehrdienstleistende (Civil worker/Recruit) Einsatzkräfte der Bundeswehr/Polizei/Feuerwehr/Sanitätdienste (Policeman/Firefighter/Paramedic)

Personal Training

ab 80€

DropIN & Probetraining


10€ + Buy a T-Shirt

5€ + Bring a T-Shirt from your box

Gym rules of Crosstraining München. 1. ARRIVE EARLY. Stay late. Be respectful towards others and encourage them. Also, keep in mind that If you arrive late, each minute equals 10 burpees! 2. ATTEND CLASS. If not… We will look for you, we will find you and then… We will bring your butt back to the box! 3. CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF AND PUT THE WEIGHTS AWAY WHEN YOU ARE DONE. You are not a kid anymore. Do not expect your mom to put your toys back in the box for you. Also, clean up your own blood, sweat, chalk, spilled water or any other mess you make. 4. TREAT THE EQUIPMENT WITH RESPECT. Use them as if they were your own, so don’t drop or throw the weights down if it is not necessary! 5. LEAVE YOUR DRAMA AT THE DOOR. Use your time in the box to clear your mind and focus on training hard. 6. FORGET THE “I CAN’T” PHRASE. It is the worst swear word in the box. Each “I can’t” phrase equals 10 burpees. 7. BE PATIENT. Do not try to max out your lift the first try. Accidents and injuries happen as a result of impatience. 8. DO NOT BE EMBARRASSED IF YOU CANNOT PERFORM AS WELL AS OTHER MEMBERS. You will get there if you follow the rules and concentrate on training constantly. 9. DO NOT CHEAT. Do every repetition and be honest to yourself when counting. Cheating means losing an opportunity to become a better athlete and person. 10. INTRODUCE YOURSELF. Introduce yourself to newcomers. Crosstraining München is more than just a gym. It is a community. Besides, if you pass out, others will know what name to call to revive you. 11. BE LOUD AND SPEAK YOUR MIND. If you want to swear, scream, grunt and yell - do it, you are welcome. Just avoid that one swear word we are not interested in hearing (look at rule NR. 6). 12. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT…ALWAYS ENJOY AND HAVE FUN WITH OTHERS!
Contact of Crosstraining München section bar
Visual map which shows where is Crosstraining München


Kann jeder bei dem Training mitmachen?
Ja, solange Sie gesund sind.
Wie groß sind die Gruppen in denen trainiert wird?
Im Normalfall max. 10 Personen
In welchen Sprachen wird das Training angeboten?
In Deutsch um hohe Qualität beim Coaching sicherzustellen
(Englisch ist auf Wunsch auch möglich).
Wie melde ich mich das erste Mal zum Training an?
Bitte eine Email senden oder anrufen 08989 220 409.
Wie sind die Klassen abgestuft?
Fitness / Crosstraininghier lernt man die Bewegungen und arbeitet sich an die Gewichte ran
CrossPerformancehier wird man an die komplexeren Bewegungen herangeführt und arbeitet mit höheren Gewichten.
CompetitionTraining mind 5x die Woche. Vorbereitung auf Wettbewerbe. Training zusammen mit Profis.
Kann ich einfach so vorbeikommen?
Wir sind Werktags von 10 bis 20 h da und gerne können Sie jederzeit auch
einfach so vorbeikommen um es sich anzusehen (kein Training).
Muß ich einen Vertrag abschließen oder kann ich auch sporadisch kommen?
Wir bieten auch 10er Karten an. Vertrag ist möglich 2x 3x und 7x die Woche.
Für Athleten und Interessierte auf Besuch in München bieten wir Drop in für 15 Euro an.

Hast du noch Fragen?

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